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 “Epilogi” Cultural Movement is a nonprofit, voluntary association, founded in 1992 and envisions the promotion, improvement and development of the cultural life in Cyprus and the intellectual culture of people.

At present,“Epilogi” is one of the biggest cultural associations in Cyprus, with more than 250 members and friends, involved in statutory activities, organized by the association, or as active members of its choirs.




“Epilogi” engages in the promotion and development of choral music and consciousness. Currently different choral groups are operating successfully, covering all age groups.

Its choirs participate in Choral Festivals and Competitions abroad, receiving international awards.

 “Epilogi” Cultural Movement, apart from participating in the whole spectrum of the cultural life in Cyprus, organises annual statutory events, such as a tribute for Poetry Day, Concerts, and an Inter-cultural outdoors Festival “Musical Footprints – One City for All”, as well as the International Festivals “Choral Crossroads” with the participation of choirs from Europe and the Arab world .




 “Epilogi” Cultural Movement has developed an international network of collaboration with respective organizations from Europe and Arab countries.

It is a member of the European Choral Association “Europa Cantat” and the IFCM (International Federation for Choral Music). Epilogi is acting as  the representative of “Jeunesses Musicales Ιnternational” in Cyprus, collaborates with the “Anna Lindh Foundation” and the “Arab Academy of Music”.                                                                            

It is a founding member of the “Euro-Arab Youth Music Center”and is represented in the Center’s Board of Directors.

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